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Born in the japanese island of Okinawa, Kobudo (Kobujutsu) is the self defense art that uses non-conventional weapons, many of which were agricultural instruments. Introduced in Europe (thanks to Master Roberto Fassi) by Master Toshio Tamano, direct student of masters Shimpo Matayoshi and Eisuke Akamine, Kobudo can be considered an "extension" of Kaisai-Do; it uses the same positions, the same techniques and the same theory.
Until the twentieth century, Kobudo was not considered a martial art or practiced as such on the island. It was practiced with each instrument, in secret, in the different villages. Some villagers preferred the techniques of Bo, while those of other villages chose those of the Tonfa or Nunchaku. In the early twentieth century, Moden Yabiku, master of Shorin-Ryu, was the first to collect all the techniques and knowledge of the weapons of Okinawa, moving from one village to another. And thanks to the efforts of Yabiku Sensei and his first student, Shinken Taira, the Kobujutsu became known to the public. Shinken Taira was probably the first one to use the term "Kobudo". In the same period, another master, Shinko Matayoshi, became interested in the art of Kobujutsu and his son Shimpo continued his disclosure.
The weapons of the Kobudo are about a dozen, but the main ones are:






BO: long stick; was used to carry loads and for all uses of a normal stick.

Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate

Other weapons are used at a more advanced level of practice:
Suruchin (chain), Kai (oar), Tekko (brass knuckles), Tinbei (shield and blade), ..

Traditionally the Kobudo was taught only to the experts of Okinawa-te. Master Tamano, using the "Theory of kaisai", developed the Shorei-Kai system to be able to teach everybody, even those who have no experience in martial arts.

Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso KarateSanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate
Sanchin Dojo - Il Kaisai-do Shorei-Kan a Monza Kobudo Daruma Taiso Karate

TONFA: short stick with perpendicular handle; used to make the holes for planting or as a grinders' handlebar.

SAI: the only real weapon. Of Indian origin, was supplied to the police of Okinawa.

NUNCHAKU: two short sticks held together by a rope; used to beat the rice.

KAMA: the sickle to harvest the rice.

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